What are the call of duty world war ii bronze star for
What are the call of duty world war ii bronze star for

what are the call of duty world war ii bronze star for

In other cases, veterans came home and stuffed their medals and awards into a cigar box which usually found its way into the hands of children and these magnificent symbols of valor and service from a grateful nation simply disappeared over time.

what are the call of duty world war ii bronze star for

Korean War veterans but it was not accepted by our government until 1999. The Republic of Korea offered the medal to all U.S. Perhaps the most striking example is the recently approved Republic of Korea War Service Medal. Many veterans never realized that they had earned a Bronze Star Medal. Other changes such as Congress’ decision in the 1947s to authorize a Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service to all recipients of the Combat Infantryman and Combat Medical Badge was not well known. Many unit awards had not yet been authorized and on the whole, most soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen were more interested in going home than they were in their military records. At the end of World War II many campaign medals had not yet been struck and were only issued as military ribbons due to the restriction on brass and other metals for the war effort.

what are the call of duty world war ii bronze star for

There are a number of reasons besides the passage of time that veterans are not always sure of their military awards. Thousands of veterans have been heard to say “I don’t want any awards I’m not authorized, but I want everything I am authorized.” So the question is, “What are the medals authorized the veteran for his military service during each conflict?” What happened to the Military Medals? Twenty-five, thirty, even fifty years after military service, it is often difficult to remember or clearly identify what medals a veteran was awarded and has earned the right to wear or display. Many veterans and their families are unsure of which military medals they were awarded and often for good reasons.

What are the call of duty world war ii bronze star for